Blended Learning
BLENDED Learning
The theory of VER has, as its foundation, several training techniques, which can be lectures, metaphor techniques, simulations, videos, films, case studies, brainstorms, etc.
Subjects are exercised through a dynamic system in which, in addition to showing "how to do it", "the pleasure of doing" is encouraged, establishing interactive relationships with participants.
We teach people how to create environments that promote learning through an exclusive methodology, which allows access to reflections and awareness obtained from playful stimuli.
The theory
from VER
Experience, Experience and Reflection
Reflection , as a whole, is guided by our team, explaining to everyone why a certain experience was chosen to be worked on.
The experience is a playful expression, where the participant has the opportunity to immerse themselves in this expression, which can be through a game or even music.
With the experience being that of the participant, it becomes unique. Understanding what each participant felt makes the results more powerful.
The methodology that has already taught more than 70 thousand people... Brief news
Rua Barão de Paranapiacaba, 233
cj. 1210 - Santos | SP | Brazil
13 3221.7417
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